I work in a diverse, successful secondary school in West London. My subjects are English, Media and PSHE (I am also qualified to teach drama). In addition to my teaching, I lead the English department, share leadership for Y11 and support the development of curriculum.
Living in fear of becoming "that" busy old teacher who pulls out the textbooks inspired me to start this project: I'm collecting great ideas for the classroom and posting them here. Being a little bit old and crotchety, and juggling a hectic workload, I'll only post ideas if they fit all three criteria:
Thoughtful: Do they interest, stretch and challenge both my students and me?
Useful: No fancy firework lessons here ... they have to teach people, not merely entertain.
Practical: No one wants to spend four hours planning a forty-five minute lesson, or juggle resources so complex one photocopier glitch could ruin them. Been there, done that. Kids need energy, not a zombie with colour coded worksheets.
If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
PS. Oh ... I tweet under @CareyEnglish1, too; don't be a stranger.